Mentor Program

The Hudson River Bridge Club sponsors a mentoring program for all players. If you are an inexperienced player or a beginner or just wish to play with an experienced player for a session or two, please contact us with your name, when you can play and your contact information. Someone from the club will contact you,

If you are an experienced player or life master and would like to donate a game or two by playing with a player who may need some instruction, please let us know by sending a message.

This is a valuable opportunity for both new and experienced players. As an incentive for the experienced player to volunteer his or her services, the newer player will pay half the playing fee for the experienced player and the club will pay the other half. So the experienced player will play for free! And the beginner gets to share in the wisdom and may learn some defensive or playing skills that may improve his or her bridge game.

So come one, come all and sign up for this marvelous opportunity to share your skills with a deserving comrade for an afternoon or evening. It will be a benefit to both partners!

Procedure: The Mentee pays the fee for him/herself and also pays half the fee of the mentor. The remainder of the mentors’ fees will be covered by the HRBC.